Saturday, July 30, 2011

Story of a worstless leader in the class 1RK1

the year before was the best year and the worst year for me,
the first time i destroy my own happiness for other,,
i suffer for making other people happy,,
i do this for my own reason,,
the reason is,,
it is because all of you,,
amin, wan, zafri, mus, nail, iskandar, nabil, haji, izrul, akhmal, hanafi, tan, ariz, acap,hafiz,
faizah, niena, amani, isma, azreen, syahirah, aina,,ifa,fatanah,,n all of you guys,,
eventhough i know sometime i was like a moron,,
but you know what i do that because i want to clean our class name,,
but i can't.
i don't blame you all,, i blame myself, because i can't be a good leader,,
i failed to lead you to the right place,
i am not qualified to be your leader,,
but now after zafri take over my place,
i was happy,
because all of you guys have changed,
thank you,
but you should'nt be thanking me,,
i'm the one who shoul thank you,
i'm sorry because all the havoc i make to all of you,,

Sunday, July 17, 2011

sekolah-sekolah aq

sekolah-sekolah yg penah aq pegi,,,
  1. tadika agama,,kat johor,,
  2. tadika kat skola kebangsaan,,kat johor,,
  3. sek keb permas jaya 2,,kat johor jgak,,
  4. sek ked uni 2,,kat johor
  5. sek keb tunku abd rahman,,kat n.9
  6. sek keb bkt rokan utara,,kat n.9
  7. sek keb t6,,kat johor,,
  8. sek men keb t6,kat johor,,
  9. sek men keb pusa,,sarawak,,

    banyak x skola aq penah pegi,,,

jalan-jalan CARI MAKAN

arini gi sarikei n saratok,,
makan roti telur 1,roti canai1 pergh da la sedap kenyang giler plak tu,,
pastu gi jalan2,,
nak crik wrigley's 5 tpi x jumpe,,
gi sratok makan lgi,,
makan mee kolok,,
pergh sedapnyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!
x saba nak gi sratok lgi,,,

Saturday, July 16, 2011

JENIS2 pompuan YG aq SKE

kalo aq nak carik pompuan atau ade sesape yg nak tolong crik kan,,
ni ciri2 dier,,
  1. dier mesti islam,,
  2. dier mesti pandai tutop aurat,,
  3. dier mesti alim n solehah,,(spaye kalo aq ssat,dier bley bimbing)
  4. dier mesti pandai,,
  5. kaye miskin harta x penting,,yg penting budi pekerti dier,,
  6. dier mesti sopan,,
  7. pandai amek ati,,
  8. pandai beromantik,,
  9. cun/cantik,
  10. dier mesti ikhlas,,bkan psal nampak dompet tbal,,
  11. dier mesti ske aq,,

    tu je kot,,,maybe aq pon da x ingat,,
    dak yg mcam nie aq da jumpe,,
    tpi dak tu mara kat aq,,
    tu yg aq tension tu,,


malam nie,,
nifsu syaaban,,
gi masjid bce yasin,,
tpi setan kaco,,
tu yg rse ngantok tu,,

ariniey arque nark marcane nare sea,,
mark arque musk ark nare sea torgh margh torgh,,
car low tuck farh ham,,
ni yg aq nak ckp,,
arini aq nak makan nasi,,
mak aq masak nasi tomato,,
kalo x pham ,,

KeBoSaNan TaHap meLamPau

bosan laaaa arini,,
kwan aq rmai on9,,
tpi ntahlah,,
aq pon x tau knape bosan sgt arini,,
tpi yg pasti,,
arini aq nak gne ayat plik2,,,
cowntowhnyew niey lha,haahahahahaahah
charm bezt largh,,
nuck boo art largh ghee largh.
agak2 korang,,bley pham ke aper aq tulis ie,,hahahaha
aredick arque nuck airdit block arque.

kehidupan sebagai anak peladang

sjak aq lahir lagi,,pinda sne sini,,x abis2 pinda,,pnat je,,
lpas 3 taun pinda,lpas 3 taun pinda,
kalo korang jadi aq mesti pnat,,
tpi best,,psal dpt melancong ke tempat len,,
contohnyer aq skarang,,dri dlu dok semenanjung,
kcuali akak aq yg ke 2 n 3 n abg aq,,
diorang lahir kat sabah,,awal lagi da sampai sne,
aq bru taun nie,,
pinda gi s'wak,,,huh!!
ckop best,,lgi2 kalo cuti,,naek kpal terbang,,
yg x best nyer,,
kwan2 kat sini la!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tension2,yg laki2 tu ok arrr,,
ARGH!!!!! TENSION!!!!!
tpi ble aq pinda je sini,,
makin rmai kawan2 aq.plik3
adik pon dpt,,
kwan bru pon dapat,,
sng kte sume pon insyallah dpt...k laa
aq da pnat nak menaip,,tomorrow i will write more,,,bubye